Thursday, July 23, 2009

The toddler exciting but sad for mommy transition.

The time has come, and I am sad that my baby is now out of his crib. There were several motivations for packing the crib up and moving Thomson into a "big boy bed".
One, he was climbing in and out of his crib and it really was not a safe place for the monkey that Thompson has become. Two, he was (and still is) waking up in the night and crying to get in our bed. And Three, with the new on on the way, I wanted to transition Thomson in to the new bed before the new baby arrives.
It is sad to realize that the baby you have nurtured for 21 months is no longer a baby, but a true toddler, in a big bed. Its almost the same feeling when they move from the bucket seat to a car seat, from the baby bath to the big tub, when they walk into the nursery with looking back to tell you goodbye. The truth is that these event happen, and there is nothing I can do to stop them, except soak in the moments and cherish each step of his life.

Enjoy the photos below of Thompson and Clark taking down the baby bed and putting together the Toddler Bed.